Friday, 31 August 2012

The Magic circle

The magic circle and temporary worlds!

The term temporary words comes from thousands of years ago and applies to all games that we play weather they're board games, arcade games and video games.
It states that when we enter a game, we change.  We enter new worlds with new rules that change who we are and the way that we act.  We use these worlds and games to escape from the stress and reality of real everyday life, and we keep playing these games because of the release we get when we play a game taking our mind of the real world and its problems.  For example a person may play games such as Super Mario at the end of the day to unwind from the stress of that day, as it allows us to be transported into a fun, colourful and vivid world.

This made me to begin thinking about weather we enter a completely separate work during computer games, i think that the worlds are separate however still have trails of the real world in there.  Games allow us to sometimes create avatars which allow us to create a virtual person, at this point we can change what we don't like about our image in the real world and look like what we want to within the magic circle.

The Lusory attitude.

The Lusory attitude is a frame of mind that one must have in need to fully immerse themselves within a game, if your forced to play a game that you don't want too then you ill not be playing the game to the best of your ability, become bored quicker and not enjoy the experience as you do not have this attitude and have not crossed over into the magic circle.  When we begin playing a game it is important that we accept the rules and know what is expected of us within a game, this is where the disincentive mechanic comes into play, as they will stop players from disobeying the rules, for example if you walk into acid the game screen starts turning red showing that your dying, this is the disincentive that the game gives to stop us from disobeying the rules.  However this also teaches us that playing by the rules does give us pleasure and is the way too play.
You need to play a game, adopt the lusory attitude otherwise you will not play a game; you will just be playing it because you have been told too.  As you have not crossed from the real world into the game.

 Every game exists within a frame that shows us a game is being played.  The magic circle is a frame that has specific rules that do not allow to be changed.  It allows us to move from the real world to an artificial game world that we create ourselves because of the Lusory effect.

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